The 5 worst makeup mistakes you should never do - IMPALA Cosmetics Egypt

The 5 worst makeup mistakes you should never do

1⃣ Stretching the area around your eye to make the perfect wing.



Why it's wrong: Pulling your eye back when putting on eyeliner not only can break down the sensitive skin and elasticity around your eye, but beauty expert Toby Fleischman says if your eye isn't relaxed when applying makeup, you could end up with a horribly uneven line. In short, it's a lose-lose situation.

Quick Fix: Celebrity makeup artist Kristee Liu says using Post-its for stencils usually does the trick for creating a wing that's just the right size for every day wear. What's more is that you'll save the skin around your eye and avoid getting a dragged down look when applying eyeliner. Brilliant, right?


2⃣ Applying too much blush too low on your face.

Why it's wrong: A nice rosy hue on your cheeks is suppose to add the finishing touch to your face, not be the center of attention. Putting blush on a lower part of your cheek can drag your face down and look overdone.

Quick Fix: Makeup expert Amy Strozzi recommends using a contouring brush and applying color only to the apples of your cheeks, as opposed to the entire sides of your face. This way, your face will be lifted up naturally when you blend and avoid looking over-the-top and, well, like a clown.


3⃣ Using way too many products for contouring.


Why it's wrong: Okay, okay we get it: Kim Kardashian's face always looks perfect and you dream of having yours look just as slim and defined, which is why you spend forever staring at the mirror in the morning. But the truth is you don't have to, and your look can often result in some nasty orange streaks in natural light settings, if not done perfectly.

Quick Fix: For an every day morning routine, Strozzi swears by what she calls the golden rule of three. In other words, start with your matte bronzer at the top of your forehead and make light strokes down your hairline connecting from your forehead to the top of your cheekbone and your jawline. Blend a little and you're out the door. Kim K, look out!


4⃣ Applying lipstick to naked lips.

Why it's wrong: It's tempting to do a few swipes after lunch or your coffee break to refresh your look, but beauty expert Stella Kae says that's a big mistake if you want your color to actually last and apply evenly without smearing or drying out your lips.

Quick Fix: While the well-known internet hack may be to dab a bit of primer or foundation on your lips, Kae says these things can actually make your lips more crusty and less luscious-looking. Instead, prep your lips with a papaw ointment or light face moisturizer and let it soak in while you do the rest of your makeup routine. After a few minutes, apply your lipstick. The added moisture will ensure your lipstick doesn't wear off right away and that it glides on much more smoothly and evenly.


5⃣ Using your finger or a sponge to apply foundation.


Why it's wrong: To put it simply, you're going to get an uneven, cakey result. Plus, sponges soak up a lot of the product, which basically means you could be wasting a bunch of foundation and flushing money down the toilet.

Quick Fix: It's as simple as investing in a good foundation brush—they're easier to use and navigate across your face and you'll wind up with much more even coverage, says Liu.


Extra 2 Tips 

6. Testing your foundations in the wrong spots.

Why it's wrong: When on a mission to find the perfect foundation match, many smear a little on their hands or wrists for a quick test before buying. More often than not, however, doing this can cause you to buy a shade that's too dark on your face and/or doesn't match your pigment.

Quick Fix: Dab a little on your neck and on the outside of your cheek. Your neck color is usually a lighter hue, which means you'll be less likely to buy a formula that's too dark for your face (remember, it's easier to brush a little more bronzer on your face than to try and lighten a darker formula). Strozzi also recommends sampling a bit on your décolletage for even more accurate results. Compare the color on each of the three spots and pick the formula that disappears into your skin.

7.Throwing away your mascara too soon.


Why it's wrong: We've all heard about the horrible things that can grow in your tube of mascara after keeping it around longer than four months, but that doesn't mean you should toss it when your formula starts getting too thick, says StyleSeat makeup artist Brian Dean. If it's before the four month mark, your mascara is probably becoming hard from pumping the tube every day.

Quick Fix: If you find your mascara getting a little too clumpy for your liking, Dean suggests putting two or three drops of saline solution in the tube and stirring with your wand. The added moisture refreshes the formula, which means you'll get a lot more usage out of it and your lashes will be much smoother and a lot less clumpy.


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